Privacy Policy

Welcome to the official website of Wuhan WSD Network Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "WSD"). WSD places great importance on your privacy, and we appreciate your trust in us.

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as "the Policy") applies to your access and use of the WSD official website, explaining how your personal information is processed on our website, the timing, manner, and reasons for the processing, and outlines your choices and rights regarding this information. Please read carefully to understand how we collect and use your information and how you can control this information, which is very important.

As stated above, this Policy applies only to the WSD official website. If you use products or services operated by WSD or its affiliates and want to understand how relevant data is processed, please refer to the privacy policy of that product or service. This Policy does not apply to any products or services that can be accessed through subdomains of the WSD official website at

Please note: If you do not agree with the processing of your personal information as described in this Policy, please do not provide your information when requested and stop using this webpage. Continued use of this webpage indicates your acknowledgment of the provisions regarding your personal information as described in this Policy.

1. Types of Personal Information We Use

This section explains the different types of personal information we collect from you and how we collect this information. If you want to learn more about specific types of data and how we use this data, please see the section below, "How We Use Your Personal Information."

The following summarizes the types of personal information we use:

(1)Information You Provide to Us

When you submit inquiries on the “Marketing Consultation” page of our website or contact us using the contact methods specified in this Policy, you provide us with specific information related to your inquiry.


We use cookies to enhance your website experience. A cookie is a text file that, when placed on your device, enables us to provide certain features and functionalities. When you use the WSD official website, we send cookies to your device. When you interact with services provided to our partners (such as advertising and/or promotional services, and possibly features provided by WSD that appear on other websites), we allow cookies (or other anonymous identifiers) to send relevant information about your access and use of products or services to WSD’s servers.

We will not use cookies for any purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy. You understand that some of our services can only be provided by using the aforementioned technologies. You can manage or delete cookies according to your preferences. You can clear all cookies stored on your computer, and most web browsers have a function to block cookies. However, doing so may affect your use of our services.

(3)User Agent

We use User Agent information to enhance your web experience. User Agent information is a set of strings that identify your browser and operating system; when you visit our website and agree to the collection of User Agent information, this information is automatically sent to our servers.

User Agent information includes, but is not limited to, browser type, operating system, device type, and version. The primary purposes for collecting User Agent information are to:

● Optimize User Experience: Optimize web content and layout based on your device and browser characteristics to provide the best browsing experience.

● Ensure Security: Detect and prevent potential security threats and malicious behavior by analyzing User Agent information, ensuring website security.

●  Statistical Analysis: Conduct website traffic and user behavior analysis to help us better understand user needs and improve our services and content.

We will not use User Agent information for any purposes other than those described in this Privacy Policy. You understand that some of our services can only be provided by using the aforementioned technologies. You can manage or refuse the sending of User Agent information according to your preferences.

● Minors

Minors should not use this webpage for any purpose unless consent has been provided by a parent or guardian. For the purposes of this Policy, a minor is defined as anyone under the age of 18.

We do not intentionally collect personal information from minors for any purpose. If you believe we possess personal information about a minor without parental/guardian consent, or if you are a parent or guardian and wish to withdraw consent, please contact us using the official contact methods displayed on the WSD official website, and we will delete such information.

2. How We Use Your Personal Information

This section details the types of personal information we collect from you and the reasons for collecting it.

When you submit an inquiry to us, to contact you and address your issue, we will collect your information within the minimum scope required by law and will not use it for other services. Specific information includes:

● Desired marketing services, budget range

● Name, company name

● Contact information (email, telephone)

● Other remarks

We use this information to understand the identity of the user submitting the inquiry and the content related to the inquiry and to contact the user who submitted the inquiry.

3. How We Store and Share Your Personal Information

Your personal information is processed by our service backend located within the People's Republic of China. Our website maintenance and technical team are located in the People's Republic of China.

We will strictly adhere to legal regulations and this Privacy Policy, taking strict security measures to protect your rights. We use Alibaba Cloud to provide information storage services for this service.

We share your personal information only when reasonably necessary. Such circumstances include:

● Our group companies process your personal information in response to your inquiry. All related group companies can only use your personal information according to this Privacy Policy.

● Regulatory bodies, judicial authorities and law enforcement agencies, and other third parties for security, protection, or legal compliance purposes. In some cases, we are legally required to disclose your information to authorities, such as to comply with legal obligations or procedures, enforce our terms, handle matters related to security or fraud, or protect our users. To comply with valid legal process terms, such as subpoenas, court orders, or search warrants, we may make these disclosures with or without your consent. Generally, the terms of the legal process prohibit us from notifying you of any such disclosure. If the government entity does not provide the required subpoena, court order, or search warrant, we may seek your consent to disclose information according to the government entity's requirements. We may also disclose your information for the following purposes:

- Enforce our terms and conditions and other agreements, including investigating any potentially violative behaviors of these documents;

- Discover, prevent, or otherwise address security, fraud, or technical issues;

- Protect the rights, property, or safety of us, our users, third parties, or the public as required or permitted by law (to prevent fraud and reduce credit risk by exchanging information with other companies and organizations).

● Third parties that acquire all or part of us or our business. If any of the following situations occur, we may also disclose your personal information to third parties:

- If we sell, transfer, merge, consolidate, or reorganize any part of our business, or merge with any other business, acquire any other business, or form a joint venture with it, we may disclose your data to any new owner or other parties involved in changing our business;

- If we sell or transfer any of our assets, the information we hold about you may be sold as part of such assets and may be transferred to any new owner or other parties involved in such sale or transfer.

4. Security of Personal Information

We commit to doing our best to maintain the privacy and integrity of your personal information, regardless of where it is stored. Our information security and access policies limit access to our systems and technology, and we protect data through the use of technologies such as encryption.

Unfortunately, despite having implemented and maintained reasonable measures to protect your personal information, transmitting information over the internet is not completely secure, and we cannot guarantee that network information security incidents will not occur. In the event of a personal information leakage or other security incident, we will initiate an emergency plan to prevent the security incident from expanding, and we will inform you via push notifications, announcements, and other forms of communication.

5. Data Retention

We will not retain your data for longer than necessary unless required by law. We will retain your information as follows:

● Information you provide to us when you submit an inquiry form or contact us using the details specified in this Privacy Policy: Until your inquiry is resolved, and then reasonably retain the information after resolution, unless you disagree with retaining this data and refuse to receive further information in the future.

● If we need to retain your information beyond the above-specified retention period, such as to comply with applicable laws, we will store it separately from other types of personal information.

6. Your Rights

You have legal rights concerning the personal information we hold about you (within the scope permitted by applicable laws and regulations). You can request access to or correction of the data we process about you.

To exercise any of your rights, please contact us in the following ways:

● China region:

● Non-China region:

Please note that any emails sent from this webpage are only sent in response to your submitted inquiry and are considered service messages.

7. Contact and Complaints

We welcome questions, comments, and requests regarding this Privacy Policy. We have an official service team, and if you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions related to this Privacy Policy or personal information protection, you can contact us for the purpose of complying with applicable privacy laws through the email address publicized in this agreement.

If you wish to file a complaint about the way we handle personal information, please contact us through the email address publicized in this agreement, and we will strive to address your request as soon as possible.

8. Changes

If there are any changes to this Privacy Policy, we will post the updated Privacy Policy here. Please visit this page regularly to see if there are any updates or changes to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the modified content of the policy, please stop accessing and using this webpage immediately after the modification of this Privacy Policy.

Last Updated: June 19, 2024

Effective Date: June 19, 2024

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