Advertising  Purchases

Advertising Purchases

Social Media Advertising: Assist brands in achieving marketing goals of exposure and conversion.

  • WeChat


    • China's super social app, used by 8 out of 10 people, often referred to
      as the "WhatsApp of China"

    • 1.336 billion active users

    • A vital channel for brands to connect with users

  • Weibo


    • One of China's most popular social media platforms, often referred to as the "Twitter of China"

    • 605 million active users

    • A primary channel for hotspot marketing

  • Xiaohongshu


    • A lifestyle platform for Chinese users, often referred to as the "encyclopedia of consumer insights for young users."

    • 300+ million active users

    • A key platform for brand seeding

  • bilibili


    • A bullet-comment video platform in Mainland China, a hub for the Gen Z population

    • 341 million active users

    • A primary channel for youth-oriented brand marketing

  • Zhihu


    • China's largest question-and-answer community, often referred to as the "Quora of China"

    • 111 million active users

    • A vital channel for brand education and user engagement

ACT Marketing Model

This is WSD‘s proprietary marketing model designed to address the challenges of marketing on China’s popular social media platforms.

Service Process

  • Marketing Consultation

    Marketing Consultation

    Gain expert advice to align your marketing efforts with local insights.

  • Creative Strategy

    Creative Strategy

    Develop innovative approaches tailored to your brand’s unique needs.

  • Deployment Specifications

    Deployment Specifications

    Set clear parameters for how campaigns are executed.

  • Content Creation

    Content Creation

    Produce engaging and relevant content for your target audience.

  • Project Implementation

    Project Implementation

    Efficiently roll out marketing campaigns on the ground.

  • Project Review

    Project Review

    Analyze the outcomes and gather insights post-implementation.

  • Methodology Consolidation

    Methodology Consolidation

    Refine and document the processes for future use.

whatsapp qrcode

Marketing Consulting

