Reputation Management

Reputation Management

We establish and operate your social media accounts in China to achieve user acquisition, retention, and loyalty.

Why Should Brands Invest in Social Media Reputation Management?

Through the operation of social media accounts, brands can reduce marketing costs, improve efficiency, and achieve long-term profitability.

  • Brand Endorsement: Shape brand image through social media account management.

  • Content Marketing: Accumulate more brand content through daily operations to enhance user engagement.

  • Business Conversion: Drive sales conversion through social media accounts combined with e-commerce/live streaming.

  • Private Domain Management: Accumulate loyal brand users through social media operations, ensuring continuous conversion.

  • Public Relations: Provide a voice channel for the brand through social media accounts, enhancing PR efficiency.

How We Assist You with Social Media Reputation Management

  • Account Strategy

  • Visual Packaging

  • Content Creation

  • Private Domain Operations

Account Strategy

Tailor a multimedia content dissemination strategy for your brand based on the characteristics of different social media platforms.

ACT Marketing Model

This is WSD‘s proprietary marketing model designed to address the challenges of marketing on China’s popular social media platforms.

Service Process

  • Marketing Consultation

    Marketing Consultation

    Gain expert advice to align your marketing efforts with local insights.

  • Creative Strategy

    Creative Strategy

    Develop innovative approaches tailored to your brand’s unique needs.

  • Deployment Specifications

    Deployment Specifications

    Set clear parameters for how campaigns are executed.

  • Content Creation

    Content Creation

    Produce engaging and relevant content for your target audience.

  • Project Implementation

    Project Implementation

    Efficiently roll out marketing campaigns on the ground.

  • Project Review

    Project Review

    Analyze the outcomes and gather insights post-implementation.

  • Methodology Consolidation

    Methodology Consolidation

    Refine and document the processes for future use.

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Marketing Consulting

