Marketing Technology

Marketing Technology

Utilize our marketing technology products and services to efficiently and successfully target and acquire your desired audience.

  • Data Bank

    Data Bank

    We build a marketing database for your brand, accumulating valuable data assets that can be reused across various platforms to enhance marketing effectiveness. Most importantly, our data bank stores critical and sensitive information, ensuring user privacy protection.

  • User Insights

    User Insights

    When you conduct marketing activities in China, we provide in-depth user insight analysis across more than 14 dimensions. Our graphic reports give you a comprehensive understanding of your target audience to support your marketing decisions.

  • Custom Audience Packs

    Custom Audience Packs

    Leveraging robust big data technology and algorithmic capabilities, we perform Lookalike data mining and modeling for your product’s target audience, creating custom audience packs to enhance the precision of your ad placements.

  • Advertising and Marketing Tools

    Advertising and Marketing Tools

    We offer a range of tools for branding and marketing activities in China, including website design tools, H5 landing page creation tools, and H5/SVG creative customization services.

ACT Marketing Model

This is WSD‘s proprietary marketing model designed to address the challenges of marketing on China’s popular social media platforms.

Service Process

  • Marketing Consultation

    Marketing Consultation

    Gain expert advice to align your marketing efforts with local insights.

  • Creative Strategy

    Creative Strategy

    Develop innovative approaches tailored to your brand’s unique needs.

  • Deployment Specifications

    Deployment Specifications

    Set clear parameters for how campaigns are executed.

  • Content Creation

    Content Creation

    Produce engaging and relevant content for your target audience.

  • Project Implementation

    Project Implementation

    Efficiently roll out marketing campaigns on the ground.

  • Project Review

    Project Review

    Analyze the outcomes and gather insights post-implementation.

  • Methodology Consolidation

    Methodology Consolidation

    Refine and document the processes for future use.

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Marketing Consulting

